Lets take time out for you.
Online Healing with Melissa Childs
Looking for help doing your emotional work? I am guessing that you are looking for someone who listens openly and non-judgmentally. Maybe you would like to talk to someone who gets intuitive cues that can help you over obstacles. Are you open to energy work like IET to help you over emotional hurdles?
You may have physical challenges and would like the help of energy work like Reiki and IET. You are looking to improve your connection to yourself and/or others. Lets heal emotional and physical blockages. Together, we can help you live your best life.
Meet Melissa
Level 2 Reiki, Level 2 IET, Intuitive listener
I am a searcher. I did my first research into emotional growth at 16. I am now in my 50s and have spent most of my years passionately researching love, connection, spirituality, physical and emotional health.
I am a highly sensitive person (HSP) and an empath. As an HSP I pick up on subtext and subtle cues. Also, as part of my HSP personality, I am particularly gifted at bringing different pieces of the puzzle together to form a more clear picture. As an Empath, I sometimes get messages or visions...

What I Specialize In
My girlfriend and I were stuck. We kept saying the same things over and over, but the communication was going nowhere. We had Melissa sit in on our conversation, and she helped translate thru rewording and metaphors. It really helped us understand each other. She really made us feel heard.
- Liz H.
I'm a therapist, coach, podcaster and I teach online Courses. I've had years of therapy, so I'm experienced in what it's like to be on both sides of "the couch." Melissa has an uncanny ability to be present and hold space without being intrusive or overstepping. She had an insight that actually took me a bit of processing to see because she saw something that I wasn't aware of (and I'm pretty aware of my stuff). Melissa has watched me fall apart, and she created a safe space for me to come unglued. Then we worked on putting me back together again. I highly recommend working with Melissa. She's gifted in what she does!
- Patricia Young LCSW
Melissa and I have been married for about 20 years. We have two sons. Our successful marriage and supportive, loving family culture are built on a foundation of honesty. I wish you could know what an amazing woman Melissa is. Granted, I'm biased, but what I know to be true is that she's an absolute gem of a person: so worthy and deserving of love, trust, respect, admiration and appreciation. She is exquisitely unique and still full of surprises after knowing her nearly two decades. I'm grateful and feel so lucky and privileged to know her as I do. With our 1st son's birth, Melissa threw herself into parenting with an incredible amount of love, dedication and a singular devotion that was inspiring and beautiful to witness. I'm so grateful to have raised our boys with her. She's everything I could've hoped for in a co-parent. She's a strong woman and blesses us, her friends and family members, by sharing that strength with and supporting us.
- Peter Childs
Be in the Flow